Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Plodding (again)

SO...Advent started a couple weeks ago and I had firm faith that there would be great surprises within - a gift of faith and renewal. I'm disheartened as I see old patterns continue seemingly unabated. If there is growth it is in areas hidden from view. I continue to plod along. Not in the dark. Yet not fully in the Light.

Come, O Spirit, awaken new life in me. Save me from the endless me inside me. Turn my gaze to You!

In the meantime, from my Dad's prayer vigil...he writes the following:

The Gift
While praying the rosary this morning I had a moment...
I saw a gift being delivered. It was like an Amazon delivery. 
The one who delivered the package left it on the doorstep after knocking on the door/ringing the bell. 
I became aware of the passage from Revelation 3:20 “Behold I stand at the door and knock...” 
it was the gift of God‘s love!
The door was not answered, the gift was not received. 
The gift remained on the doorstep through all the seasons of the year 
- the blistering heat of summer soon to be covered in fallen leaves only to be buried 
under winter snow and ice. Year after year it waited. 
The package became weathered and decayed. The gift was the living Heart of Christ! 
Many, inconsequentially, passed by, not even casting a glance in His direction. 
Unbeknownst to them the scene was filled with adoration. 
Angels, saints and martyrs etc were adoring the Lord. 
A person came out from the house and kicked the package off the porch onto the muddy ground.
The place of adoration had changed. 
And now our Lady, experiencing the pain of unrequited love, 
now kneels in the mud adoring her Son, her Saviour and Lord...
“Do not be afraid. Open wide the doors for Christ...” (S Pope John Paul II). 
- Tom Knox, night vigil

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