Saturday, December 26, 2020

December thoughts from a friendly wordsmith

I received this email from a good friend this week.  I always anticipate his reflections this time of year.  He has entitled this year's reflection "Muddling Through", which goes along nicely with the titles of my most recent posts.  I felt it was a sign, and asked my friend if I could post this year's sharing to my blog.  He graciously conceded to my request.  

to: et al

Muddling Through

Hi Folks,

As part of my annual consultation with the muses of Christmas, I have been wondering recently what I might offer by way of a seasonal message that would be appropriate to the wholly unprecedented experience this year presents to all of us.

As always, the soundtrack for my journey through December includes The Sinatra Christmas Album. The songs in this collection, both sacred and secular, and ranging from silly to solemn, feature the trademark Sinatra vocalizations and outstanding arrangements and instrumentation from the great bands which backed him up during the ‘60s and ‘70s when these recordings were made. This album has been a staple of my holiday listening for 25 years.

Among the tunes featured is “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” originally written to be performed by Judy Garland in the 1944 film, Meet Me in St. Louis. Garland’s character sings to comfort her sister who is despondent on Christmas Eve over the family’s plans to relocate to New York.

The song’s lyrics address the melancholy that sometimes infects our holiday preparations and celebrations. Despite our best efforts to be merry and festive and because we want, so desperately, for the Christmas season to offer the rich emotional blessings of comfort and joy, any feelings of separation, anxiety or disquiet can be even more acute at this time of year.

So, if ever there were a time for music to come to our aid and offer some balm for the beleaguered soul, 2020 would be it. In this year of epochal pandemic upheaval and social unrest, with all the attendant uncertainties and distancing of varying degrees and type, we need to be consoled. We need to rely on memory, to believe in the power of hope and to accept the nourishment that can be derived from the timeless connections of the heart.

Some of you may think it’s unreasonable to expect a pop song to offer the antidote for these afflictions or to furnish the necessary consolation. You may be right. A pop song is not necessarily a work of philosophical or psychological import.

And yet, the offerings of the popular culture, especially those which worm their way into our ear year after year, can offer us inspiring insights into our journey through uncertain times. In a simple way, the song’s encouragement to “let your heart be light” and its prediction that “next year all our troubles will be out of sight” do allow us to realize that moments of melancholy must pass.

Even more poignantly, the song concludes with words that speak not only to the acute separation we feel in this moment, but also offer an intimation of eternity and a hope for the more permanent reunion, on that farther shore, with those who accompany us now in the mind’s eye and in the inner recesses of our hearts.

Someday soon we all will be together,

If the fates allow.

Until then, we’ll have to muddle through somehow

So, have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

This year, I expect many of us feel like we are “muddling through.” We are doing the best we can. And, of course, this sentiment speaks to the larger challenge we face through all of life to avoid letting loss or separation impair our capacity to experience joy, or hinder our efforts to celebrate.

Again this Christmas, as always, we need to revel in the moments of love and friendship which present themselves to us, accepting gratefully the reaffirmation they offer to us of the very truth of our existence.

I hope Frank’s singing (link below) offers you some of the consolation it has afforded me in these recent weeks, and in years gone by.

I hope as well that you have a safe, happy and holy Christmas.

+ a friendly wordsmith

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