Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Litany of God the Father 
                                     Crafted by: Father Philip Melvin, a classmate and friend.

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
Daddy Abba, have mercy on us.
Fearful Father, have mercy on us.
Merciful Father, have mercy on us.
Almighty Father, have mercy on us.
Eternal Father, have mercy on us.
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.
Father of Mary, mother of Your only begotten Son, have mercy on us.
Our Father, have mercy on us.
Father of lights, in whom there is no shadow of change, have mercy on us.
Father from whom is sent the promised Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Father before whom time and space lie prostrate, have mercy on us.
Father before whom the Angels cry: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, have mercy on us.
Father who did not even spare His own Son, have mercy on us.
Father, incomprehensible yet irresistible, have mercy on us.
Father, so unloved by us weak creatures, have mercy on us.
Father, whose choice it was to love us in the Chalice, have mercy on us.
Father, whose Will rejoices the faithful more then all riches, have mercy on us.
Father, author of the soul's worth, have mercy on us.
Father, most jealous lover, have mercy on us.
Father, absolute Truth, have mercy on us.
Father, unconditional Love, have mercy on us.
Father, the Mighty one of Israel, have mercy on us.
Father, from whom every family on earth receives its name, have mercy on us.
Father, the Great Amen of His holy people, have mercy on us.
Father, upon whose bosom alone Jesus sought to rest His Sacred head, have mercy on us.
Father, upon whose hands we are inscribed, have mercy on us.
Father, pride of the Child Jesus in the Temple, have mercy on us.
Father, Daddy of all the Baptized, have mercy on us.
Father, loves destination and eternal abode, have mercy on us.
Father, the joy sought in the darkness of Gethsemane's garden, have mercy on us.
Father, You alone and nothing else is needed, have mercy on us.
Father, whose patience overshadows the confessional, have mercy on us.
Father, recipient and glory of all priestly sacrifice, have mercy on us.
Father, who delights to kill the fatted calf, have mercy on us.
Father of orphans, have mercy on us.
Father, wealth of the poor, have mercy on us.
Father of the Divine Bridegroom, have mercy on us.
Father, unapproachable Light which beckons us forth, have mercy on us.
Father, whose majesty is equaled only by humanity's need for You, have mercy on us.
Father, King of the great wedding banquet, have mercy on us.
Father, who inhabits the praises of His Church, have mercy on us.
Father, author of Life, have mercy on us.
Father, who delights to give us the kingdom, have mercy on us.
Father, who gives us the True Bread from heaven, have mercy on us.
Father, the Law-giver and the Just Judge, have mercy on us.
Father, whose wisdom shows itself in the folly of the Cross, have mercy on us.
Father, whose purity is seductive, have mercy on us.
Father, who rested on the 7th day, have mercy on us.
Father whose pockets are deep and whose hands are not cheap, have mercy on us.
Father, the longed-for Jubilee of all creation, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, continue revealing the face of Your Father.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, make us worthy of such a Father.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, teach us to cuddle in the arms of the Father.

Verse: No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Response: Lord, be our way, our Truth and our life.

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus Christ, You learned obedience through what You suffered. Teach us to suffer all things gracefully so as to be obedient sons and daughters of our Father who is in heaven. May every Cross we confront in our daily living be borne for the joy of offering the Father sacrifices that remind Him of Your perfect sacrifice. We ask You to accomplish this by saturating our hearts, minds and souls with the power and warmth of Your Holy Spirit who with You and the Father are One God, forever and ever. Amen.

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